It's been a year
It's been a year. A year since I last held my precious Logan, a year since I got to kiss his squishy cheeks, a year since I last smelled his sweet scent. And it hurts as much today as it did a year ago. Maybe more. As I write this, I am still in awe that he's gone. I have wished every single one of the last 365 days that it wasn't true, that he was still here, that I could see his cockeyed grin, rock him to sleep or hear his sweet voice. But he's not. So here we are, faced with a momentous anniversary that I'm not quite sure how to handle. We have plans to enjoy the day as a family, to do some things we did with Logan and to carry on some little traditions we started as ways to remember the mark he etched on our hearts. It will hurt, but I have to keep reminding myself that I don't ever want the hurt to go away. It's part of remembering him, and I'd rather hurt than not have the memories of the short time we did have together. Amidst th...